Gwynnie Bee is a fashion subscription service.
— Select Projects —
“How It Works” Video
Role: Creative Producer, Content Strategy
This video was designed to educate people about Gwynnie Bee’s offerings and drive new subscriptions. Gwynnie Bee is a pioneer of the fashion subscription movement and, at the time, wardrobe rental was a new and unique concept. This video was instrumental in illustrating Gwynnie Bee’s value and resulted in direct subscriptions. I also went on to create Gwynnie Bee’s first branded series, “One Piece, Three Ways,” which showcased different ways to style a Gwynnie Bee item, driving user engagement and positively influencing rentals of key garments.
Community Spotlight Feature
Role: Creative Producer, Content Strategy
I produced over 20 on location photo shoots nationwide for a community building, customer retention-focused feature showcasing customers modeling Gwynnie Bee apparel. These images appeared on the company blog alongside an interview with the Gwynnie Bee member, and were also leveraged in cross-channel marketing campaigns.
Partner Content With Karen Kane
Role: Creative Producer, Content Strategy
Photography and content for a partner marketing initiative with Karen Kane. I produced a photo shoot at Karen Kane HQ in LA, giving the Gwynnie Bee community a behind-the-scenes look at one of the service's most beloved brands.